Bava Batra 57 - August 21, 17 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Deborah Aschheim (Weiss) in loving memory of her father David Aschheim z"l, whose 44th yahrzeit is today. “You left us too soon at the age of 56. Although your Jewish education was interrupted because of WWII, you always ensured that I got a Jewish/Zionist education. You would be proud of the legacy you left: my aliyah, my continuous learning with Hadran and the achievements of Eitan and David in the International Little League championships, played in Kovno Poland. Eitan proudly carried the Israeli flag on the soil that our ancestors fled in 1900.” In what type of a case can brothers both testify for someone regarding a three-year chazaka and in what type of case would their testimony not be accepted? The Mishna lists types of acts that can create a chazaka of possession in another's field and which actions can not. Different explanations are suggested to explain the difference between the actions that can/cannot create a chazaka. Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Bena'a make certian recommendations regarding appropriate behavior including: not looking at women when they launder their clothes, how men should dress, how to set the table in a way that will be neat and minimize mess, on which side of the table the ring should jut out so it doesn't harm others or cause children to play with it and what should one store under one's bed (only slippers so it shouldn't be cluttered).

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