Bava Batra 47 - August 11, 7 Av
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Deborah Aschheim (Weiss) in loving memory of her mother, Edith Aschheim Z"L, on her 41st yahrzeit today. "You left us too soon at the age of 56. You left Vienna on the kindertransport on 1 September 1939 and eventually began a new life in NYC, lamenting your lack of Jewish education due to interruptions caused by World War II. You would be proud of the legacy you left: my aliyah a year ago with Robert and my continuous learning with Hadran since this daf cycle began.” Regarding those incapable of creating a chazaka, can their sons create a chazaka? Why and in what case is there a difference between the son of a robber and the son of a craftsman or a sharecropper? For those who the Mishna mentions that they cannot create a chazaka, if they bring a proof, that would be effective. However, this does not hold true for a robber. Why? Rav Huna holds that if one forces another to sell an item, the sale is a good sale. The Gemara attempts to prove on what basis Rav Huna holds this way.