Bava Batra 38 - August 2, 27 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 38 There are three different regions for creating a chazaka on land, meaning that if the land is in one region and the owner is in a different region, one cannot prove ownership by benefitting from the produce for three years. Rabbi Yehuda disagrees and explains the reason for three years is exactly for this type of scenario - to allow enough time for someone living far away to hear and return to protest. Does tana kamma hold that one does need/does not need to protest in the presence of the possessor? Rav explained that one does not need to protest in the presence of the possessor and explained the Mishna to be referring to a time of emergency when people were forbidden from traveling between regions. A question is raised from a different statement of Rav and is resolved. There are two different versions of the discussion regarding Rav's additional statement. What is the wording necessary for a protest to be considered a legitimate protest?

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