Bava Batra 34 - July 29, 23 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

The Gemara rejects the comparison of the case that came before Abaye where there was only one witness to the case of the naska (silver bricks) of Rabbi Abba. There was a case in which two people claimed ownership over a boat and the law of "may the stronger one prevail (kol d'alim g'var)," was applicable. But one of them asked the court to seize the property to prevent that law from kicking in to buy time in which he could find evidence to support his claim. Rav Huna and Rav Yehuda disagreed about whether the court could intervene. If one were to rule that the court does seize it, can they release it if no further proof is brought? There was a case where two claimed ownership of land and each claimed they inherited it from their fathers, but neither could prove it. Rav Nachman ruled that the stronger one prevails. 

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