Bava Batra 30 - July 25, 19 Tamuz
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rina Bar David in loving memory of Daniel Natan ben Yocheved and Binyamin. A debate between Rav Nachman and Rava is brought to contradict their ruling in the previous case. However, distinctions are made between the two cases and they conclude that there are no inconsistencies in their positions. Rava rules that if the original owner did not protest within three years of possession because they were out of town, and even when they were in town, they were busy with their business, their claim is accepted and there is no presumption of ownership for the possessor. Four cases are brought where the possessor claims presumption of ownership as they purchased the land and then lived there for three years. In each case, the original owner claims the seller had stolen the land and wasn't the rightful owner. Each case varies slightly from the previous one. Rava ruled in each of these cases, usually siding with the one who claimed it was stolen property.