Bava Batra 20 - July 15, 9 Tamuz
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Vitti Rosenzweig Kones in loving memory of Sara Rosenzweig bat Vitti and David Greenbaum. Today’s daf is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family in honor of so many great, joyful events in our Hadran family. "Mazal Tov to our friend and fellow learner, Ruth Leah Kahan, on the marriage of her son, Ariel Kahan to Miriam Holmes. May their house be a source of peace and love for Am Yisrael. A huge welcome home to our friends and fellow learners, Gitta Neufeld and Terri Krivosha, and wishes for an easy yishuv into your permanent home in Israel. Your move is an inspiration of hope to all of us!" Shmuel ruled that a wafer placed in a window is not considered permanent and therefore does not reduce the size of the window to prevent impurities from passing through. the Tosefta Ohalot Chapter 14 is brought to contradict as it lists several items that if placed in a window would block impurity even though they also are not permanent. The Gemara goes over each item listed and explains why they differ from the wafer. If two people share a house - one living upstairs and the other downstairs, what does each have to do to prevent damage to the other? Residents of a shared courtyard can prevent each other from turning their house into a store, but they cannot prevent each other from making loud noises from hammering for work or crushing of a millstone or from children.