Bava Batra 174 - December 16, 15 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 174 Areivut and kablanut are two different methods of guaranteeing a loan. What is the difference between them? There are several different opinions about which language indicates one or the other. One's land acts as a guarantee for a loan and therefore the creditor cannot directly collect from the borrower's land before demanding repayment from the borrower. If a guarantor pays a debt on behalf of orphans for their father's debt, and then goes to get repaid from the orphans, they do not need to pay the money back until they are bar mitzva age. Two reasons are brought - what is the practical difference between them? A guarantor for a ketuba different than a guarantor for a loan - in what way and why?

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