Bava Batra 170 - December 12, 11 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 170 This week's learning is sponsored by Audrey Mondrow in loving memory of Irving “poppy” Mauskopf, Yechezchel Ben Rachel and Abraham, whose yahrzeit is tomorrow. "A person of complete emuna that always had a smile for everyone. It is an honor and privilege to be his daughter. May his neshama have an aliya." Today’s daf is sponsored by David and Mitzi Geffen in loving memory of Mitzi’s brother, Jerry Lock of Efrat, who passed away five years ago. “He was the first in the family to make Aliyah to Israel and was a loving husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and brother who is sorely missed.” Today's daf is sponsored by Naomi and Adam Ferziger in loving memory of Naomi’s father David Weiss, Chaim Ze’ev Ben Yoel and Pessel on his 12th yahrzeit. "He was a Holocaust survivor, kind, generous, with a good sense of humor, devoted to family and community." A braita is brought regarding one who comes to court claiming one has proof of ownership of the land both in the form of a deed and a chazaka (lived on the land for 3 years without the owner protesting). There is a debate between Rebbi and Rashbag about whether one needs to bring the deed or the chazaka as proof (or either or). The Gemara brings five explanations as to what the case is and what is the root of the debate. The first explanation contradicted the conclusion of the previous section regarding the debate between Rashbag and the rabbis about whether or not a document can be acquired by passing it on to another. That led to the impetus to find other explanations to the debate. If one pays back half of a loan – what is done to ensure the creditor won’t try to collect the entire amount later by bringing the original document? Rabbi Yehuda holds that we write a new document. Rabbi Yosi says that we write a receipt that the borrower keeps to prove that part was already paid back.