Bava Batra 165 - Shabbat December 7, 6 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Leah Caroline in loving memory of her brother Baruch Binyamin z”l ben Tzvi Thaler on his shloshim. "Baruch encouraged my learning and often asked where I was up to in the Gemara. We all miss you very much." When Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said in the Mishna "it goes by the local custom" what did he mean? In what case does he disagree with the tana kamma? Abaye categorizes Rashbag's opinion with two other rabbis who ruled in different cases based on the same approach.  Why does the Mishna need to specify that one witness in a get pashut is invalid - isn't that obvious? Two answers are brought. According to one answer, the case is where there is one witness on the document and one who is not signed on the document but testifies about what is written in the document. There is a debate about whether or not this case is valid. Abaye ruled that it is invalid, which Ameimar ruled that it is valid. Ameimar brings proof from a question that was asked to Rabbi Yirmia and on account of his answer, he was permitted to reenter the Beit Midrash after being kicked out. There are four versions regarding the question they asked Rabbi Yirmia.  The Mishna discusses cases where there is a contradiction in the amount of money mentioned in the document.  Depending on the situation, there are different ways of deciding which amount is "correct." What is done if the amount of money is not specified, but just the coin, or just "silver" or "gold"? 

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