Bava Batra 163 - December 5, 4 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

A braita established that one can leave one blank line in a document before the signatures, but not two. Several issues are raised regarding the lines discussed. Is it two lines with a space above and below and if so, how much? What size font - the size of a scribe or the size of witnesses? Rav and Rabbi Yochanan disagree about whether one can leave a space between the witnesses' signatures and the judges' ratification. Rav says more space can be left than before the witnesses's signature and Rabbi Yochanan says no space can be left. The Gemara is concerned according to each interpretation for possible forgeries and discusses why there is no concern and if there is, how it can be detected.

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