Bava Batra 161 - December 3, 2 Kislev
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Rabbi Lisa Malik & Adi Wyner in honor of their first grandchild, Azriel David's first birthday today, son of Ariel Wyner & Sofia Chiarandini, and in honor of their daughter, Eva Wyner, upon her engagement to Reuven Rosen. "We love Reuven and look forward to welcoming him into our family!" According to Rabbi Yirmia bar Abba, the witnesses' signatures in a tied document (mekushar) would be at the bottom of the document (as opposed to Rav Huna who held they were at the top, on the tied part), ensuring that no extra lines were added. There would be no need to then add the words "hakol sharir v'kayam" at the end of the document. However, this could still lead to forgery as an extra line could be added and an additional witness could sign at the bottom. Therefore, they then explain that Rabbi Yirmia bar Abba must hold that the signatures are on the back and run perpendicular to the text, beginning at the bottom opposite where the text ends, thus preventing the possibility of a forgery. However, this can still lead to forgery as it is assumed at first that only the first signature starts at the bottom and the others are higher up. If so, there is concern that one could cut out a line in the document and it could be accepted as valid by the court as a partial signature (son of...) is valid. After some back and forth, Gemara explained why this was not a concern. However, Mar Zutra explains that all the signatures must line up at the bottom, thereby precluding the possibility that one could cut off a line (as all the names would never be able to be cut in a way that would go unnoticed). Rabbi Yitzchak bar Yosef brings two laws in the name of Rabbi Yochanan. If one erases something in a document, one must write a note testifying to the change at the bottom. The last line before the end should always include a review of the content of the document since if something new is written in the last line, it is not upheld, as there is a concern it was added after the signatures.