Bava Batra 16 - July 11, 5 Tamuz
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's learning is sponsored by Debbie Pershan in loving memory of her mother Shirley Kaufman on her yahrzeit. Today’s daf is sponsored by Hadran Women of LI in honor of the aliyah of our amazing and talented leader and co-learner Gita Neufeld and the birth of a granddaughter - we wish you lots of mazal on this newest addition and know that you will lead her in the ways of daf yomi as she grows up. We also wish you hatzlacha on making this amazing, long-awaited, move to Eretz Yisrael - as long as you know that this does not let you off the hook for planning and organizing our Long Island siyums! The narrative of the Job story is explained in detail including the Satan's convincing of God to test Job and Job's reaction to the situation. Some explain that he was firm in his belief and others claim he had serious complaints against God. Is having a daughter seen as a blessing or not? Can this be learned from the last chapter of Iyov? There are different opinions regarding this issue. One source is brought to show that the debate is tannitic as the verse that Avraham was blessed "bakol" (Breishit 24:1) is interpreted in seven different ways, three relating to the issue of having daughters.