Bava Batra 156 - November 28, 27 Cheshvan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's learning is sponsored by my parents, Paula and Robert Cohen, in loving memory of my grandmother, Sonja Waschitz, Sara bat Yitzchak z"l, on her third yahrzeit. My grandmother was always optimistic, despite the many challenges she endured, beginning with leaving her parents behind in Vienna to forge a new life in America at age 14 in 1939. She continues to serve as a role model for our entire family. Ameimar ruled that children not old enough to sell their inheritance could give it away as a gift. After being questioned by Rav Ashi, he explains the logic behind his ruling by differentiating between a sale and a gift. Rav Nachman brings in the name of Shmuel a list of cases where one must check if the person has signs of maturity to see if the action was valid. The Gemara analyzes why he brought each of the cases. The Mishna bring the opinion of Rabbi Elazar that one on one's deathbed cannot pass on possessions through words but must do an actual kinyan, act of acquisition. A debate between him and the rabbis regarding a few cases is brought - each one explains the cases in a way that supports their position. The Mishna explains a debate between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua regarding the differences between whether an act of acquisition is not needed only on Shabbat or is not needed at all. The logic of their positions matches the logic of their argument regarding the concept of zakhin l'adam shelo b'fanav as applying only for a minor or everyone else as well.