Bava Batra 141 - November 13, 12 Cheshvan
Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Abaye and Rava disagreed on their understanding of the Mishna regarding the ruling of a tumtum who tries to collect money form a father's estate. A difficulty is raised against Abaye's explanation from a braita, but is resolved. Why in the case of the Mishna did the husband commit 200 zuzim to his unborn child if she is a girl and 100 if he is a boy - wasn't there a preference in those days for male children, as per the words of Rabbi Yochanan in the name of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai? Three answers are brought. Two tannaitic sources are brought with cases similar to the ones in our Mishna but without enough details so the Gemara establishes the details of the cases discussed. A case happened where a man on his deathbed promised all of his property to his unborn baby. Rav Huna ruled that this was ineffective as one cannot effect a transaction with someone who is not yet in existence, Rav Nachman questions this ruling from our Mishna where in all the cases the father promised money to an unborn child. Rav Huna rejects the Mishna saying, "I don't know who is the author of this Mishna!" The Gemara questions why Rav Huna couldn't have given a different answer. It raises seven possibilities but ultimately rejects them all.