Bava Batra 140 - November 12, 11 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

The Mishna established the division of the father's possession when there is a lot of money and when there is not a lot of money. What if the financial status of the estate changes after the father's death? Does the distribution change as well? After the Gemara had discussed how the amount in the estate is determined, Rabbi Yirmiya asked if other things enter into the calculation - do we deduct the amount needed to feed the deceased's widow until she gets remarried or dies, or her daughter from a previous marriage in a case where the husband committed to supporting her for some time, or a loan that is owed to a creditor? If there is a widow and only a daughter left to inherit and not enough money for both of them, which one receives money from the estate? Why did Admon disagree with the rabbis and hold that the male children should receive inheritance at the expense of the daughters losing their food payments? Rava and Abaye each suggest different explanations. How is a tumtum viewed regarding these laws - as a lame, female, or neither? If a man on his deathbed left a pregnant wife and stipulated: if the baby is male give him this gift, if female, this gift, what do they receive if twins are born or if the baby is a tumtum?  

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