Bava Batra 122 - October 25, 23 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 122 Was the land divided into twelve equal portions, one for each tribe, or by equal portions for each Israelite? Some type of compensation (either in land or financial) took place by those who received better quality portions. At first, the Gemara understood that as better quality land, but later concluded that it meant a better location, closer to Jerusalem. The land was divided by a lottery and the urim and tumim. A braita describes how the process worked. That braita also describes the distribution that is anticipated for the times of the Mashiach where everyone will get an equal portion of all different types of land, and it will be divided directly by God, as derived from a verse in Yechezkel 48:29, 31. Yehoshua and Caleb did not inherit by a lottery, but by the word of God. From what verses is this derived? The Mishna describes that the inheritance of sons and daughters is similar, other than a few differences. Four sages attempt to understand the Mishna - in what way are sons and daughters similar and how does that fit with the continuation of the Mishna where the differences described relate to differences between inheriting from a mother or a father, not the differences between a son and a daughter. Each answer is rejected, other than the last one.

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