Bava Batra 12 - Rosh Chodesh Tamuz - July 7, 1 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - En podkast av Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s learning is sponsored by Bob & Paula Cohen in loving memory of Paula's father, Arthur Zwerin, Chaim Avraham ben Alter Gershon haKohen, whose yahrzeit is on Monday. This week's learning is sponsored by Judy Schwartz in loving memory of her beloved parents, Shirley (Sarah Raizel) Kraus Tydor z"l and R. Chaskel Tydor z"l. "I miss them tremendously on my birthday week. They raised me with a love of Jews, Judaism, and Israel and would be proud of their granddaughters who learn daf yomi with Hadran." Different situations are described where one can not block off entrances or pathways in their own property that others use, even where there are alternate paths. Are the rabbis viewed as replacements for prophets? Some stories are brought that show that children and shotim can prophesize. A firstborn can insist that his double portions be two pieces of adjacent lands. If one brother bought land adjacent to his father's property, can he insist on receiving the adjacent portion when dividing the inheritance? On what does it depend? Does this come under laws called "kofim al midat Sodom, compelling people to refrain from behavior similar to those of Sodom?"

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