058 | 黑箱日记:伊藤诗织的抗争日志 Shiori Ito’s Black Box Diaries
疲惫娇娃 CyberPink - En podkast av Cyberpink
【聊了什么 The What】 2024年初,日本记者伊藤诗织发布的纪录片《黑箱日记》以其私密的镜头语言和坦诚的叙事方式,记录了她从2015年遭遇性侵,到2017年实名举报,再到近年来推动日本性暴力相关法律变革的漫长历程。这部纪录片不仅是一份个人的创伤记录,更是对日本社会性别议题的深度剖析:警方的敷衍了事,媒体的冷漠反应,路人对受害者的污名化,和伊藤诗织站出来为自己和更多沉默者发声的巨大勇气。 这期节目中,小蓝与嘉宾探讨了这部纪录片所呈现的复杂现实:一个女性记者如何在追求新闻专业主义的同时,不得不把自己的创伤经历变成公共讨论的一部分;为什么在日本这样的民主社会,年轻女性却如此缺席性别议题的公共讨论;以及在整个东亚地区,女权运动如何在各自的政治文化背景下寻找突破。从警察机构到司法体系,从传统媒体到新媒体平台,从个人抗争到集体行动——,我们如何在时代的重重局限下突出重围,追求系统性变革的可能? In early 2024, Japanese journalist Shiori Ito released her documentary "Black Box Diaries," which uses intimate cinematography and candid storytelling to chronicle her long journey: from experiencing sexual assault in 2015, to publicly reporting it in 2017, and her subsequent efforts to reform Japan's sexual violence laws in the following years. The documentary is not just a personal record, but also a deep analysis of gender issues in Japanese society - showing the police's perfunctory handling of her case, the media's indifferent response, public stigmatization of victims, and Ito's immense courage in speaking up for herself and other silent survivors. The episode features discussions between Xiaolan and guests about the complex realities presented in the documentary: how a female journalist must balance professional journalism while being forced to turn her traumatic experience into part of public discourse; why young women are so notably absent from public discussions of gender issues in a democratic society like Japan; and how feminist movements across East Asia navigate breakthroughs within their respective political and cultural contexts. From law enforcement to the judicial system, from traditional media to new media platforms, from individual resistance to collective action - how can we break through the limitations of our time to pursue systemic change? 【参与人员 The Who】 小蓝:疲惫娇娃主播、媒体工作者 弦子:女性主义者、发声者、写作者 兆音:调查记者、BBC纪录片“追查「痴汉」——谁在售卖日本性侵偷拍影片”制作人 林珊:珊越拾穗的主播、科尔比学院访问助理教授 Xiaolan: Host of CyberPink, media professional Xianzi: Feminist activist, writer Zhaoyin: Investigative journalist, producer of the BBC documentary "Catching a Pervert: Sexual Assault for Sale" Lin Shan: Host of "Shan Yue Shi Sui," visiting Assistant Professor at Colby College 【时间轴 The When】 00:00:58 《黑箱日记》的故事背景 13:47 伊藤的记者与性侵幸存者双重身份 20:57 纪录片中最私密的时刻:用镜头记录自己的创伤 41:05 日本社会的性别困境:为什么支持伊藤的多是年长女性?**更正:日本学运发生在60年代末 * 52:12 记者作为性暴力受害者 01:11:38 日本的政治冷感与女权运动 01:21:39 从个案到制度:日本性暴力相关法律的变迁与局限 01:30:44 东亚女性的共同命运:如何在父权制度下寻找发声与改变的可能 00:00:58 The story behind "Black Box Diaries" 13:47 Meeting Ito: the journalist and the survivor 20:57 The intimacy of documenting your own trauma 41:05 Japan’s gender problem: Why are Ito's supporters mostly older women?* *Correction: the Japanese university student protests happened in the late 1960s * 52:12 Journalists as survivors 01:11:38 Political apathy and the unique path of feminist movements in Japan 01:21:39 Driving systemic change: The evolution of Japan's sexual violence laws 01:30:44 Finding our voice under east asian patriarchy 【拓展链接 The Links】 寫在日本《刑法》性犯罪修正案與《同志法案》通過之後 https://changyuchieh.com/2023/06/16/gay-law/ BBC紀錄片:追查「癡漢」——誰在售賣中國日本性侵偷拍影片- BBC News 中文 抓住那个“痴汉”文章 BBC纪录片《猎食者:日本流行音乐的秘密丑闻》 法庭外的12小時,弦子訴朱軍案開庭首日 文章 神圣无花果之种 电影 Girls Will Be Girls 电影 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun, and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China: https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email: [email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022