001 | 「继承之战」 :无法背叛的父亲,和无法拯救的帝国 The War of "Succession"

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【聊了什么】 你眼里的哪些0.001%富有的人是什么样子的?是像钢铁侠、蝙蝠侠一样把钱变成超能力,致力于解决人类无法解决的庞大问题?还是像《亿万(Billions)》里一样运筹帷幄、和对手下45维象棋?还是像2016年一个橘黄色的人带着他bling bling的孩子们入主白宫之后大家突然意识到的——有钱人可能也很蠢,而且还不去看心理医生。 What’s your impression of the Über-rich? Is it “my super power is rich'' superhero Bruce Wayne? Or reckless entrepreneur like Elon – we mean Iron Man Tony Stark? Or 4D-chess grandmaster Bobby Axelrod of Billions? Or like us, you realized after an orange man settled himself with his glamorous children in the White House — that rich people can be stupid, and are in despirate need of a psychiatrist. 【时间轴】 这期节目,我们五个人聊了聊HBO的大热剧集《继承之战(Succession)》,聊到了: 00:03:14 这部剧基于的媒体行业现实 00:10:03 继承之战的古典文学性——莎翁剧、希腊神话和宫斗剧 00:16:25 Shiv和她无法彻底真诚、也无法彻底虚假的女权主义 00:24:30 Kendall——脆弱而充满特权的精英奋斗逼 00:33:40 Tom和夹在性别、阶级夹缝中不可言说的痛苦 00:39:35 对自恋者来说,羞耻和愤怒是同一个硬币的两面 00:49:00 精英主义叙事和商业黑化到底对谁有好处 00:59:05 晃吐了的镜头,故意不精致的布景,资本主义的配乐,和一万个可以琢磨的细节 Join us in this episode where we discuss HBO's hit series "Succession": 00:03:14 Deep-dive into the media industry the show is loosely based on 00:10:03 Classical literary references in “Succession”: Shakespeare, Greek Mythology and Palace Fights in Chinese TV 00:16:25 Shiv and her Schrödinger’s feminism: is it fake or sincere? 00:24:30 Kendall and the fragile and privileged elitist struggle of the firstborn 00:33:40 Tom and the unspeakable pain of being caught between sex and class 00:39:35 For narcissists, shame and anger are two sides of the same coin 00:49:00 Corporate lingo 101 and discussion on meritocracy 00:59:05 Shaky camera movement, deliberately inexplicable sets, off-tune soundtrack, and all the juicy details we will be marinating on for the next decade 【买咖啡】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.com/a/cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:[email protected] 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China:https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email:[email protected] Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022 【课外阅读】 我们提到的一些文章和作品: 大西洋月刊 - The Heir Kendall Roy演员 Jeremy Strong的专访 玛丽·特朗普(前总统的侄女)写的书 Too Much and Never Enough 纽约时报记者分析讨论Shiv的穿着打扮 Links referenced in the show: The Atlantic piece on the Trump Family: The Heir Jeremy Strong’s New Yorker Profile Mary Trump (niece of Donald Trump)’s book Too Much and Never Enough