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Topic: LeBron James Laughs at Your ‘Old’ Lakers Memes. After His Nap.   LeBron James has seen the memes and read the punch lines. 詹姆斯看過那些迷因且讀了笑哏。 “The narrative about our age,” he said, “I kind of laugh at it. I actually do really laugh. I’m not just saying that.” 「這些內容都在嘴我們的年齡」,他說,「我有點發噱。事實上我真的有笑,我不是說說而已。」 The Los Angeles Lakers are old. They are the NBA’s Traveling Wilburys, an aging rock star collective hoping to produce one more chart-topping album. Dwight Howard and DeAndre Jordan have more mileage between them than a 2003 Honda Civic. Carmelo Anthony, 37, recalled first getting to know James, 36, when they were high school standouts — way back in the previous millennium. At 32, Russell Westbrook is comparatively spry. 洛杉磯湖人隊老了。他們是美國職籃NBA的「漂泊合唱團」,一個老邁搖滾明星的組合,期望再出一張排行榜冠軍專輯。霍華德和德安德魯喬丹的哩程數比一輛2003年本田喜美還多。37歲的安東尼回想初識現年36歲詹姆斯時,兩人是高中球星,而那已是上一個千禧年的往事。相較之下,32歲的衛斯布魯克有活力多了。 “I don’t think it’s going to be like peanut butter and jelly to start the season,” James told reporters ahead of training camp. “But that’s all part of the process.” 「我不認為開季會一帆風順。」詹姆斯在訓練營開始前告訴記者,「不過這都是過程的一部分。」   In his own small way, James reinvented himself, too, by slightly slimming down at this august stage of his career. 詹姆斯也以他的小方法改造自己,在他職業生涯年高德劭的階段瘦一點。 “He’s made the decision to come back a little bit leaner,” Rob Pelinka, the team’s general manager, said. “And I think that’s going to translate in his explosiveness and his quickness.” 「他決定以苗條一點點的狀態回來」,湖人隊總經理佩林卡說,「我認為這將轉化在他的爆發力和速度上面」。 Westbrook, a former league MVP, spent last season with the Washington Wizards before he was traded to the Lakers in August. Westbrook called it a “blessing” to be playing in Los Angeles, where he grew up. 得過最有價值球員的衛斯布魯克,上個球季為華盛頓巫師隊效力,今年8月被交易至湖人。衛斯布魯克說,能在他長大的洛杉磯打球是種「賜福」。 “I think it’s because we both understand and know what it takes in order to win, and obviously LeBron knows what it takes to get to that next level,” Westbrook said. 「我認為,因為我們兩個都知道並了解贏球需要什麼,顯然詹姆斯也清楚更上一層樓需要什麼。」衛斯布魯克說。 But the aging process is undefeated, and there are obvious concerns about the Lakers’ durability. James, so indestructible for much of his career, has been hampered by injuries in recent years, and Davis limped through the team’s abridged playoff appearance last season. For his part, Pelinka sought to downplay the suggestion that the Lakers were brittle by citing the example of Tom Brady, who, at 44, is still quarterbacking football teams to Super Bowls. 但老化的過程難以克服,外界對湖人的續航力也有顯而易見的憂慮。生涯大部分時間都堅不可摧的詹姆斯,近幾年傷痛纏身,戴維斯上個賽季也因傷在季後賽出場時間大減。佩林卡以44歲的美式足球四分衛布雷迪仍能帶隊拿下超級盃冠軍為例,企圖淡化湖人戰力脆弱的聯想。 Amid the doubts and the questions about the Lakers, Anthony can make out a path that leads to a championship ring, which would be his first. There were moments in his career, he said, when he considered the possibility of teaming up with James, one of his closest friends. The opportunity never materialized. Perhaps neither player was ready for that to happen, Anthony said. 在有關湖人的懷疑和疑問中,安東尼有能耐闖出一條通往冠軍戒之路,也將是他的第一枚。他說,生涯中數度考慮和密友詹姆斯同隊的可能性,但從未實現。安東尼說,也許兩人都沒做好準備。 “But here we are now,” he said. “Timing is everything.” 「不過我們現在是隊友了。」他說,「時機比什麼都重要」。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/5820559   Next Article   Topic: Tom Daley knits away in between dives at Tokyo Olympics   Tom Daley’s way of relaxing between dives off the 10-meter tower at the Olympics keeps him in stitches. Not the laughing kind, but the knitting and crocheting kind. 湯姆.戴利在奧運每場10公尺跳台跳水比賽之間的放鬆方式,讓他笑個不停。這裡說的不是笑,而是埋首針線中。 The 27-year-old Brit took up the hobbies just before the coronavirus pandemic began in March 2020. During lockdown, he had plenty of time to perfect his skills. 這名27歲的英國人在2020年3月新型冠狀病毒疫情爆發前不久,開始有了這個嗜好。在防疫封鎖期間,有的是時間精進他的技巧。 Daley knits only during the preliminaries of competitions, when there are long stretches between dives, as a way to switch off his mind. 戴利只有在每場比賽間隔時間都很久的初賽階段,藉由織毛線放空。 ’’If you stay all the way up here with your energy levels and thinking about the dives,’’ he said, ’’it ends up becoming quite draining by the end of it.’’ 「如果你在這裡一直全神貫注想著跳水的事」,他說,「結果會讓人比到最後相當疲憊。」   Next Article     Topic: Hungarians grab their partners in nation’s wife-carrying contest 匈牙利人在該國背老婆大賽中抓住另一半   Some 40 Hungarian husbands, with their wives on their backs, clambered over rough terrain on Saturday in the nation’s second wife-carrying contest. 近40位匈牙利老公週六在該國第二屆背老婆大賽中,把他們的老婆扛在背上,攀越崎嶇地形。 A previous race in October attracted only a dozen couples. 前一場辦在10月的比賽,只吸引到12對伴侶。 "We have just emerged from a difficult period due to the coronavirus and we need to go and have fun in the open air," Gergely Guraly, who organised the race, told Reuters. 組織這場競賽的格格利.古拉雷告訴路透,「我們才剛擺脫起於冠狀病毒的一段困難時期,我們需要到戶外開心玩。」 Guraly began preparations in January for the contest, which is said to have origins dating back to the Viking age. 古拉雷1月開始為這場據說起源可追溯到維京時代的比賽做準備。 In modern times, the tradition is particularly established in Finland, where it has taken place since the 1990s. 在現代,這項傳統在芬蘭尤其確立,當地從1990年代開始舉辦。 Estonian races have lent their name to the Estonian style of wife-carrying, with the wife upside down and her feet over her husband’s shoulders, rather than a classic piggyback. 愛沙尼亞競賽的名字源自這種愛沙尼亞扛太太的招式,讓太太頭下腳上並把雙腳放在丈夫肩膀上,而非經典的後背式。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1471563; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1473455   Next Article   Topic: Shohei Ohtani makes history in MLB All-Star Game   Japanese player Shohei Ohtani achieved another milestone in the Major League Baseball’s (MLB) near-century history, being selected as both a hitter and a pitcher for the All-Star Game. The Los Angeles Angels’ “two-way” sensation was among the starting pitchers for the Denver showcase today Taiwan time. 日本選手大谷翔平近日又創下另一項里程碑,成為美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)近百年歷史上,唯一一位同時入選明星賽投手及打者的球員!這位洛杉磯天使隊能投又能打的「二刀流」球星,和其他幾位先發投手一起入選了在丹佛舉行的明星賽,比賽預計在台灣時間今日登場。 Ohtani is currently leading the MLB in home runs, and had already been voted by fans to start as a designated hitter for the game. Early this month, he made history by hitting his 30th homer of the season to break the record by legendary Babe Ruth, who hit 29 homers as a two-way player during the 1919 season. 同時大谷在MLB本季全壘打數保持領先,稍早也已被球迷票選為這次明星賽指定打者。本月初他更刷新歷史,擊出本季個人第三十支全壘打,打破傳奇球星貝比魯斯的紀錄。魯斯曾於一九一九年以「二刀流」的身份,轟出二十九支全壘打。 On July 5, Ohtani hit his 31st homer of the season on his 27th birthday to tie Hideki Matsui’s record for most homers in an MLB season by a Japanese-born player. “It makes me happy that I’ve matched a player I’ve looked up to since I was little,” Ohtani said. The once-in-a-century player later broke the record with 33 homers, and is ready to dash more records in baseball. 而在七月五日、他二十七歲生日當天,大谷擊出本季個人第三十一轟,追平了由前輩松井秀喜所創下,日籍球員在MLB擊出單季最多支全壘打的紀錄。大谷說︰「能追上我從小到大景仰的選手,這讓我很開心。」這位百年一見的奇才隨後以三十三轟超越前輩的成就,本季勢必將打爆更多棒球紀錄。 Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/07/14/2003760791   Next Article:   Topic: Choo Shin-soo becomes latest Korean big leaguer to come home 秋信守成為最新一位回國發展的韓籍大聯盟球員 Choo Shin-soo, a former All-Star outfielder for the Texas Rangers, signed a 2.7 billion contract to play for the SK Wyverns, which will soon be taken over by the retailer Shinsegae Group. 前德州遊騎兵隊全明星外野手秋信守,簽下一紙為SK飛龍隊出戰的27億韓元合約。該隊很快就要被(南韓)零售商「新世界集團」接手。 Following a 16-year big league career, Choo immediately becomes the highest-paid player in Korea Baseball Organization history. The 38-year-old also joins a long list of former Korean major leaguers who began their professional careers outside the country but chose to end them on home soil. 在16年(美國職棒)大聯盟生涯後,秋信守立即成為(南韓職棒)「韓國棒球委員會」史上最高薪球員。這名38歲的老將,亦加入在海外展開其職業生涯,但選擇在家鄉土地上將其畫下句點的一長串前韓籍大聯盟球員名單行列。 But few of those players could match Choo’s Major League Baseball credentials. With 218 home runs, 782 RBIs, 157 steals and a .275/.377/.447 slash line over 1,652 games, Choo isn’t just the greatest Korean position player in MLB. He is also one of the very best to come from Asia. 但該名單中的那些球員,幾乎都比不上秋信守的大聯盟資歷。出賽1652場累計218發全壘打、782分打點、157次盜壘和打擊率2成75、上壘率3成77、長打率4成47的「打擊三圍」。秋信守不僅是大聯盟最偉大的韓籍「非投手球員」,他也是大聯盟最佳的亞洲球員之一。Source article: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1433988

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