精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.123: 有人天生愛遲到嗎?Why are people always late?
通勤學英語 15Mins Today - En podkast av fifteenmins
Summary: 主題參考文章: https://www.bbc.com/reel/playlist/mind-control?vpid=p0br82qr It is interesting why some people can't seem to be on time. We might have it in our natures to procratinate, but as you grow older, you realize it can be about how you view time. Different cultures share different perspectives of time. This episode, Angel and I share some stories about our friends and also the concept of "African Time". How do you view time and punctuality? Leave us a comment or email us! Vocabulary: Punctuality n. 守時 Angel's job as a flight attendant is all about punctuality. Angel的空服員工作的核心就是守時。 Procrastinate v. 拖延 When you procrastinate, you often rush and end up late for appointments or dates. 當你拖延,你常常必須匆匆了事導致約會遲到。 Stickler n. 固執瑣事的人 It is really difficult to be friends with people who are sticklers for punctuality. 很難跟龜毛在守時上的人做朋友。 更多Vocab Podcast節目: https://www.15mins.today/vocab 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : [email protected] 商業合作/贊助來信:[email protected]