每日英語跟讀 Ep.K531: About Tech - 蟹殼再生電池與聲納裝置
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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K531: About Tech - Crab and lobster shells could be used to make renewable batteries The researchers in Maryland have developed batteries that use a product derived from crustacean shells to store energy. 美國馬里蘭州科學家已經開發出一種電池,它是從甲殼動物的殼提取用於儲存能源的物質製成。 As the world transitions towards deploying green energy solutions and electric vehicles, the batteries being used for such technology also need to be eco-friendly. 當世界向使用綠色能源解決方案和電動汽車過渡時,這種科技使用的電池也必須是環保的。 Crustaceans have exoskeletons made of cells that contain chitin, a kind of polysaccharide that makes their shells hard. 甲殼類動物的外骨骼由含有甲殼素的細胞組成,這是一種讓牠們外殼堅硬的多醣。 Through chemical processing and adding acetic acid aqueous solution, chitin can ultimately be synthesised into a firm gel membrane and used as an electrolyte for a battery. 透過化學加工並加入醋酸水溶液,甲殼素最終可以被合成凝膠膜,作為電池的電解質。 By combining this chitosan electrolyte with zinc, a naturally occurring metal increasingly used to make batteries that are cheap and safe, scientists were able to create a renewable battery. 藉由將這種甲殼素電解質和鋅混和,科學家得以製造再生電池。鋅是一種日漸用於製作電池使之便宜且安全的天然金屬。 Next Article New stick-on ‘sonar’ device lets you watch your own heart beat 新黏貼聲納裝置讓你監測自己的心跳 Imagine having a watch that could live-stream your heart as it beats in your chest. 想像當心臟在胸口跳動時,擁有一支可以直播心跳的手錶。 Researchers just unveiled a wearable ultrasound patch — something like a Band-Aid with sonar. 研究人員剛推出一個穿戴式的超音波貼片,它就像是有著聲納的OK蹦。 This stick-on device offers a flexible way to see deep inside the body. Ultrasound maps tissues and fluids by recording how sound waves bounce off of them. 這個黏貼裝置提供一個探測身體深處的彈性方法。超音波透過紀錄聲波如何從組織和血液上反彈,來繪製它們。 The new patch can work for up to 48 hours straight — even while you’re moving around a lot, like when you play a sport. 這款新貼片可以連續使用長達48小時,即便是在遊走移動的情況下,例如運動。 In many poorer countries, access to hospitals — and their high-power imaging machines — can be limited. 在許多較貧困的國家,就醫並取得高功率成像機器的機會可能有限。 But the new device “has a huge potential” to aid people in these parts of the world, Aparna Singh, a biomedical engineer at Columbia University said. 但是哥倫比亞大學生物醫學工程師阿帕娜.辛格表示,這個新的裝置擁有巨大的潛能,能夠幫助世界上這些地區的民眾。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1569161 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1566618