每日英語跟讀 Ep.K506: 皮特‧蒙德里安藝術作品上下顛倒展出75年

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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K506: Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years An artwork by the abstract Dutch painter Piet Mondrian has been hanging upside down in various galleries for 75 years, an art historian has said. 一名藝術史家說,荷蘭抽象畫家皮特‧蒙德里安的一幅作品,75年來在多個不同藝廊都被上下顛倒掛反了。 Despite the recent discovery, the work, entitled New York City I, will continue to be displayed the wrong way up to avoid it being damaged. 不過,儘管這項最近的發現,這幅名為「紐約市1號」的作品,將繼續以上下顛倒的方式展出,以避免畫作被損毀。 It has hung at the art collection of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf since 1980. 這幅作品1980年起一直掛在杜塞道夫的北萊茵—西伐利亞邦藝術品收藏館。 Curator Susanne Meyer-Büser noticed the longstanding error when researching the museum’s new show on the artist earlier this year, but warned it could disintegrate if it was hung the right side up now. 策展人蘇珊娜‧梅爾—布瑟今年稍早研究該館新推出的這名畫家展覽時,發現這個長期以來的錯誤,但她警告,如果現在用正確的方向掛,可能使這幅畫解體。 Next Article Manga artist falls for fake Mark Ruffalo, loses $500,000 漫畫家被假的馬克‧魯法洛迷倒,損失50萬美元 The latest work from veteran manga artist Chikae Ide follows her common theme of romance and relationships, but “Poison Love” is quite different than her previous pieces. (日本)資深漫畫家井出智香惠的最新力作,秉持其一貫的羅曼史與男女關係的主題,但(這部名為)「毒戀」(的漫畫)與其以往的作品大不相同。 First of all, it is based on a true story about a lovestruck woman in an international romance who gets swindled out of 75 million yen ($523,200). 首先,該作品是改編自真實故事,描述一名在跨國戀中被愛情沖昏頭的女子,被人騙走7500萬日幣(52萬3200美元)。 And secondly, the protagonists are Ide herself and a man she believed was Mark Ruffalo, the Hollywood actor who plays the Bruce Banner-Hulk character in the “Avengers” films. 其次,故事主人翁是井出本人,以及與一名她原以為是好萊塢男星馬克‧魯法洛的男子。魯法洛曾在「復仇者聯盟」系列電影中,扮演本名布鲁斯‧班纳的(漫威英雄)浩克。 Ide, 74, says she hopes her latest work, a confession of sorts, will help others avoid being scammed in online international romances. 74歲的井出說,希望她的最新力作或說告白,能協助其他人避免陷入國際網戀騙局。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1555570 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1555996

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