每日英語跟讀 Ep.K472: About Japan - 百年幫派解散與不用做事的工作

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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K472: About Japan - Asakusa-based gang decides to call it quits after a century An organized crime syndicate in Tokyo with roots dating to around a century ago has finally decided to call it quits, a victim of changing times and social mores, police crackdowns and a membership that is ... well past its prime. 受時代與社會習俗改變、警察鎮壓,以及幫眾人數遠不及全盛時期所苦,東京的一個起源於約一世紀前的組織犯罪集團,終於決定告一段落。 The Anegasaki-kai, based in the old downtown Asakusa district of the capital, survived primarily by scalping tickets for concerts and running stalls at summer festivals, according to investigative sources. 根據調查單位的消息人士,以首都淺草區老街為根據地的姉崎會,其生存之道主要是靠賣演唱會黃牛票以及在夏日祭典擺攤。 It notified other yakuza groups in the capital that it decided to disband on July 25, the sources said. 消息人士說,該幫派通知首都內的其他黑幫,決定在7月25日解散。 Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department said it learned that the notice was sent to the Kyokuto-kai, a designated crime syndicate, and other gangs, and is now trying to verify it. 東京都警視廳表示,已知悉(姉崎會將解散)通知送至指定暴力團極東會與其他幫派,如今正試圖核實。 Next Article Dream job: the Japanese man who gets paid to do nothing夢幻工作:一位日本人藉由無所事事賺錢 Shoji Morimoto has what some would see as a dream job: he gets paid to do pretty much nothing. 森本祥司擁有一個看似夢幻的工作:他以無所事事賺錢。 The 38-year-old Tokyo resident charges 10,000 yen per booking to accompany clients and simply exist as a companion. 這位38歲東京居民每次對預約的客戶收費一萬日圓,僅作為陪伴存在。 "Basically, I rent myself out. My job is to be wherever my clients want me to be and to do nothing in particular," Morimoto told, adding that he had handled some 4,000 sessions in the past four years. 森本說,「基本上,我把自己出租,我的工作是出現在客戶希望我出現的地方,特別是不用做任何事情」。他並補充說明,過去4年已處理4000場次。 His job has taken him to a park with a person who wanted to play on a see-saw. He has also beamed and waved through a train window at a complete stranger who wanted a send-off. 他的工作讓他陪一個想玩蹺蹺板的人去公園。他也透過火車車窗對一個想要被送行、完全不認識的人瞇眼微笑。 Before Morimoto found his true calling, he worked at a publishing company and was often chided for "doing nothing". 森本找到他真正的天職之前,在一間出版社公司工作,時常被訓斥「無所事事」。 "I started wondering what would happen if I provided my ability to ’do nothing’ as a service to clients," he said. 他說,「我開始思考,要是我將『無所事事』的能力作為一項服務提供給客戶,會發生什麼事。」Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1550844 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1549877

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