每日英語跟讀 Ep.K467: About animals - 山羊寶寶的22英吋耳與狗其實不會笑
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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K467: About animals - Are you kidding? Baby goat wows fans with 22-inch ears Some social media stars win their fame through their looks, others through their jokes. Simba the baby goat has won over the web with his astonishingly long ears - 22 inches (56cm) and growing. 有些社群媒體明星因長相而出名,也有人是因為很會說笑。山羊寶寶辛巴則是以牠驚人的22英吋(56公分)長耳朵,在網路上一炮而紅。 The tawny-coated kid goat has attracted thousands of followers on YouTube and other channels since he was born in Karachi, Pakistan on June 4. 這隻有著黃褐色毛皮的山羊寶寶6月4日在巴基斯坦喀拉蚩出生後,已在YouTube等平台上吸引數千名追蹤者。 When Simba was born, his ears were 48cm long. They have grown another 7 cm in just over a month and are showing no signs of stopping. 辛巴出生時耳朵就有48公分,1個月後又長了7公分,且沒有停止生長的跡象。 His breeder, Mohammad Hassan Narejo, has great plans for Simba to preserve Simba’s semen for artificial insemination. Next Article 狗不會笑 但牠們用其他方式表現開心 Dogs can’t smile or laugh - but they show happiness in other ways Some dogs just look like they’re smiling all the time - but that huge grin on their face may not actually mean they’re happy. Carolyn Menteith, a canine behaviorist, said that "unlike us, dogs don’t usually smile with their mouths." 某些狗狗看起來好像一直在笑,但牠們臉上大大的微笑並不真的表示牠們很開心。犬類行為學家凱洛琳‧曼特斯說:「狗狗和我們不同,不常用嘴巴微笑。」 When a dog smiles, their tail is relaxed but waving (or in some breeds or individuals, wagging crazily), their eyes are soft, their ears relaxed and their body is often wiggling with their happiness. 當狗狗笑時,牠們的尾巴是放鬆且晃動的(有些品種或個體則是會瘋狂搖尾巴),眼神會變得柔和,耳朵會鬆懈下來,身體通常會開心扭動。 Some dogs are noisier than others and so if they get really excited and playful, they might well bark, yip, or even huff - especially in an attempt to get another dog or a person to play - but this isn’t laughter. 有些狗狗比其他隻吵鬧,當牠們真的很興奮、玩興一來時,可能會吠叫、尖叫或噴氣,尤其是試圖邀請其他狗或人一起玩時,但這不是在笑。 Interestingly, dogs do seem to recognize laughter in humans and know that it is positive - and some dogs seem to go out of their way to encourage their owners to laugh. 有趣的是,狗狗似乎能分辨人類的笑聲,知道這是好事,而有些似乎還會想盡辦法把主人逗笑。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1549284 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1548003