每日英語跟讀 Ep.K460: About Paris - 貓咪旅館大爆滿與肉品販賣機

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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K460: About Paris - The Parisian cat hotel that’s feline fairly full Much as they enjoyed their cats’company during two years of coronavirus lockdown, Parisians have enthusiastically taken up travel again if the reservation register at one Paris cat hotel is anything to go by. 如果巴黎一家貓旅館的預定登記本上有可供判斷的事情的話,那就是巴黎人又熱情擁抱旅行了,雖然冠狀病毒疫情封鎖的兩年期間,他們喜愛貓咪的陪伴。 At the Arbre a Chats (Cats’ Tree) hotel, prospective guests need to reserve well ahead, as all its 24 “contemporary and comfortable” cubicles are fully booked — although cats who know one another can double up and share a room. 在貓之樹旅館,想入住的賓客都老早預定,因為旅館所有24間「現代且舒服」的小房間都預定一空,雖然相熟的貓咪可以睡在一起,共享一間房。 “Unlike last year, this year we were fully booked for August from the end of February,” hotel owner Veronica Colson said. 「和去年不一樣的是,今年我們從2月底開始,8月份的預定就已經滿了」,旅館老闆薇蘿妮卡.柯爾森說。 With cats snoozing on couches, sitting high up in the tree-shaped wooden climbing structure in the center, or observing street life from a ledge by the window, the hotel is in full swing as cat owners rediscover the pleasure of travel. 貓咪有的在沙發上打盹,有的坐在中間的樹木形狀的木頭攀爬結構的高處,有的在窗邊的壁架上觀察街頭生活,因為貓主人們重新發現了旅遊的樂趣,這間旅館的生意正如火如荼。 Next Article Paris gets sausages and steaks 24/7 from vending machine 巴黎販賣機全天候販售香腸和牛排 With their beloved baguette already available 24 hours a day, it seems only logical that Parisians can now get the Bayonne ham and Basque pate that goes so well with the bread from the first meat vending machine installed in the French capital. 巴黎人鍾愛的棍子麵包一天24小時都有供應,而現在,和棍子麵包非常搭的巴約納火腿和Basque pate,可在巴黎首台肉品販賣機買得到,似乎也滿合理的。 In a city filled with small shops where long lunches remain a crucial part of the French "art de vivre," the gleaming red machine set up on the lively Rue de Charonne in eastern Paris seems a bit incongruous. 在一個小商店林立、午餐慢慢吃仍是法式「生活藝術」重要環節的城市,這台光鮮亮麗的紅色機器現身巴黎東區生氣勃勃的夏洪尼路,看起來有點不搭軋。 The area has at least two dozen butcher’s shops and no shortage of meat, but that didn’t deter the owners of one of those shops from investing 40,000 euros($45,000)to set up their project, selling vacuum-packed meat from the refrigerated machine. 這個區域至少有24家肉鋪,沒有肉品短缺的問題,但其中一家店的老闆並未因此卻步,仍投入4萬歐元(約4萬5000美元)擬定計畫,從這台有冷藏功能的機器販售真空包裝肉品。 From their machine, which takes cash or credit cards, customers can also get a large choice of traditional delicatessen including duck confit and beef carpaccio. There are also faux-filet steaks on display, priced at 34 euros per kilogram. 他們的機器收現金也收信用卡,顧客也能買到許多傳統熟食,包括油封鴨和義式生牛肉,還有沙朗牛排,每公斤要價34歐元。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1547057 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/971715

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