每日英語跟讀 Ep.K451: About India - 印度理髮師兄與獵豹

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K451: About India - Indian barber siblings turn heads into canvasses by giving unusual haircuts In a small salon in a nondescript town in northern India, a haircut is not just a trim or a crew cut but an opportunity to get some art embossed on the back of your head. 在印度北部一處不起眼的小鎮的一間小沙龍裡,理髮不僅僅只是修剪或是剪平頭,而是一個在你後腦杓印上一些浮凸藝術的機會。 Brothers Rajwinder Singh Sidhu and Gurwinder Singh Sidhu in Dabwali town in India’s Punjab state are now famous in their small part of the world for giving haircuts shaped in images of the customer’s choice. 印度旁遮普邦的達布瓦利鎮的拉吉溫德和古爾溫德.辛格.席德胡兄弟在他們的小地方很出名,因為他們用顧客選擇的形象打理出髮型。 From the Taj Mahal, complete with its many turrets and towers, to a lifelike portrait of pop star Michael Jackson, the brothers use a range of trimmers, scissors and pencils, among other tools, to get every minute detail of hairdos correct. 從擁有眾多高樓與塔樓的泰姬瑪哈陵,再到栩栩如生的流行歌星麥克.傑克森的肖像,這對兄弟使用一系列修剪器、剪刀和鉛筆以及許多其他工具,確保髮型的每一個微小細節都不出差錯。 From requests of images of Bollywood stars to popular sportspersons and even an impression of Mickey Mouse, the brothers’ salon is seeing a steady stream of customers who want to draw attention to themselves at social gatherings or events but do not want something lasting, like traditional tattoos. 從寶萊塢明星的照片到受歡迎的運動員,甚至是米老鼠的印象,這對兄弟的沙龍的顧客源源不絕,他們希望在社交場合或活動中吸引人們的注意,卻又不希望像傳統刺青一樣那麼持久。 Next Article Cheetahs make a comeback in India after 70 years 絕跡70年 獵豹重返印度 Eight big cats from Namibia made the long trek Saturday in a chartered cargo flight to the northern Indian city of Gwalior, part of an ambitious and hotly contested plan to reintroduce cheetahs to the South Asian country. 週六,來自納米比亞的8隻大型貓科動物乘坐包機長途跋涉,飛往印度北部城市瓜里爾,這是將獵豹重新引進這個南亞國家的雄心勃勃且備受爭議的計畫之一環。 Then they were moved to their new home: a sprawling national park in the heart of India where scientists hope the world’s fastest land animal will roam again. 隨後牠們被移入新家:位於印度中心一座寬廣的國家公園,科學家希望這種世界上跑最快的陸地動物能再次漫遊此間。 Cheetahs were once widespread in India and became extinct in 1952 from hunting and loss of habitat. They remain the first and only predator to die out since India’s independence in 1947. India hopes importing African cheetahs will aid efforts to conserve the country’s threatened and largely neglected grasslands. 獵豹曾經在印度廣泛分佈,但在1952年因狩獵和棲息地喪失而滅絕。自1947年印度獨立以來,牠們仍然是第一種也是唯一一種滅絕的掠食動物。印度希望輸入非洲獵豹,將有助於保護該國受到威脅且在很大程度上被忽視的草原。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1541845 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1542227   歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments

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