每日英語跟讀 Ep.K379: About Taiwan- 捍衛戰士2再現中華民國國旗與福隆沙雕藝術季

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K379: About Taiwan- Taiwanese flag on Tom Cruise’s bomber jacket in Top Gun: Maverick   It has been 36 years since Tom Cruise’s high-flying blockbuster Top Gun graced our screens, and its long-awaited sequel Top Gun: Maverick is now playing in theaters. However, when the trailer of the sequel was released three years ago, the Taiwanese flag patch stitched on the bomber jacket that Cruise’s character wore was removed, but has now been restored for the theatrical release of the film. 好萊塢男星湯姆克魯斯主演的電影「捍衛戰士」續集,睽違三十六年回歸,但三年前電影預告首次釋出時,湯姆克魯斯飛行外套上的中華民國國旗一度被消失,沒想到正片竟被保留。 Last Monday, a test screening of Top Gun: Maverick was held in Taiwan. There was loud cheer and applause from the moviegoers when they spotted the blue-sky-with-white-sun Taiwanese flag back on Cruise’s jacket. 「捍衛戰士:獨行俠」上週一舉辦台灣媒體試片,「阿湯哥」湯姆克魯斯穿著的飛行員夾克上出現青天白日滿地紅「中華民國國旗」時,引起滿堂喝采。 The iconic jacket made its first appearance in the 1986 original, Top Gun. It was made to commemorate the US navy cruiser USS Galveston’s operation in the Far East off Japan and Taiwan from 1963 to 1964. Therefore, on the back of the leather jacket, there were patches of Taiwanese, Japanese, and American flags, along with the United Nations’ emblem. 阿湯哥穿著的這件經典外套,在一九八六年電影「捍衛戰士」首集就曾出現,是紀念美軍巡洋艦加爾維斯敦號一九六三到一九六四年遠東巡弋任務,由於行經日本、台灣等國家,繡有中華民國、日本、美國國旗與聯合國旗幟。 Back in 2019, the sequel trailer stirred up a controversy when viewers noticed the Taiwanese flag scrubbed from Cruise’s jacket, while the American and the United Nations’ flags remained intact. This led former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo to urge Hollywood to stop bowing to Chinese censorship in exchange for its market. 不過三年前,續集「捍衛戰士:獨行俠」預告釋出時,阿湯哥外套上的中華民國國旗一度「被消失」,只剩下美國國旗與聯合國旗幟的圖案,引發熱議,前美國國務卿蓬佩奧當時更呼籲好萊塢應挺直腰桿,不要為了票房屈服於中國審查。   Next Article   Topic: 福隆沙雕藝術季開展Fulong sand sculpture festival starts tomorrow The Fullon Hotel Fulong has announced that this year’s Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival will take place from tomorrow until Oct. 10 at the Fulong Beach Resort in New Taipei City’s Gongliao District. 福容大飯店宣布,今年的福隆國際沙雕藝術季將從名天開始到十月十日在新北市貢寮區的福隆海水浴場開展。 This year’s sand sculpture festival has joined hands with Taiwan’s classic Pili budaixi glove puppet theater to create 36 sand sculptures that depict more than 30 popular characters from the Pili puppet shows. The centerpiece is an 8 meter-high sculpture of one of the main characters, Su Huan-chen, displaying his martial skills. Transforming into three different styles on the beach, he will defeat his greatest foes. 今年沙雕展聯名本土經典霹靂布袋戲,打造三十六座沙雕作品,呈現超過三十名霹靂布袋戲人氣角色,其中主雕作品為高八公尺的「素還真」展現神技,在沙雕上化身三種不同造型,打敗最大反派。 In coordination with the Fulong sand sculpture festival, the Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Administration will be holding the Fulong Beach Life Festival every weekend from June to October, including beach concerts, markets and delicious food, while also giving visitors an opportunity to try their hand at making sand sculptures. 配合福隆沙雕季,東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處將在六月至十月每週末舉辦福隆沙灘生活節,現場將有沙灘音樂會、市集、美食,還提供民眾親手體驗製作沙雕。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/05/25/2003778747; https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/05/31/2003779032

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