每日英語跟讀 Ep.K357: About India - 印度佳麗贏得環球小姐與世界大象日

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K357: About India - India’s Harnaaz Sandhu is crowned Miss Universe 2021   Harnaaz Sandhu of India was crowned Miss Universe 2021 on Sunday, marking the end of a controversial pageant hosted in southern Israel. 印度的哈娜茲‧桑德胡週日加冕成為2021年環球小姐,為這場在以色列南部舉行且爭議不斷的選美比賽劃下句點。 The pageant was held in the resort city of Eilat, with 80 women from around the world competing for the crown. Sunday night was the last day of the competition, with eliminations narrowing down the number of finalists until the last two remained. 這場選美賽在以國度假城市埃拉特舉行,有來自世界各地的80位佳麗爭奪后冠。週日晚間是比賽最後一天,決賽人數一路縮減至最後只剩下2人。 Nadia Ferreira of Paraguay and Lalela Mswane of South Africa were the first and second runners-up, respectively. 巴拉圭的娜蒂亞‧費瑞拉與南非的拉蕾拉‧恩史旺分別為亞軍與季軍。 The South African government withdrew its support and called on Mswane to drop out, citing Israeli treatment of Palestinians, calling it "apartheid," a charge Israel has vehemently denied. 南非政府曾撤回對這場選美賽的支持,並呼籲恩史旺退賽,理由是以色列對待巴勒斯坦人的方式有如「種族隔離」,但以國政府怒駁該指控。   Next Article   Elephants in India enjoy fruit feast ahead of World Elephant Day 印度大象在「世界大象日」前享用水果大餐   After an evening walk under overcast skies with rains not far away, elephants rescued from circuses and temples in India are treated to a feast of their favorite fruits and vegetables to celebrate World Elephant Day, which falls on Aug. 12. 在某一個烏雲密布、雨勢逼近的晚上步行之後,從馬戲團和寺廟中獲救的印度大象,被請吃一頓牠們最愛的蔬果大餐,慶祝8月12日的「世界大象日」。 A lavish spread of watermelons, bananas, papayas and pumpkins is laid out for the Asian elephants at a sanctuary near the banks of the Yamuna River. 大量的西瓜、香蕉、木瓜和南瓜被放置在這些亞洲象面前,地點位於靠近亞穆納河河堤的一處庇護所。 Most of the 28 elephants at the center suffer from chronic illness and various ailments ranging from abscesses, cataracts, blindness and joint pain, the result of years of abuse in captivity. 該庇護所的28頭大象中,大部分都有慢性疾病和各種病痛,包括膿瘡、白內障、失明和關節疼痛,那是長年被囚禁的後果。 The number of wild Asiatic elephants, primarily found in India and parts of South and Southeast Asia, has fallen to under 50,000, just 15% of its historic average, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature. 根據世界自然基金會,主要生活在印度、部分南亞和東南亞地區的亞洲象,數量已降至5萬頭以下,僅歷史平均數量的15%。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1501152 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1467645

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