每日英語跟讀 Ep.K349: About France - 法國禁止含糖飲料無限續杯與生蠔紙條
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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K349: About France - France bans unlimited sugary drink refills Restaurants and other spaces catering to the public in France have been banned from offering unlimited sugary drinks in an effort to reduce obesity. It is now illegal to sell unlimited soft drinks at a fixed price or offer them unlimited for free. 在法國,餐廳以及其他對公眾提供餐飲服務的場所,已被禁止無限量供應含糖飲料,以致力減少肥胖。以固定價格販售無限量的非酒精飲料,或無限量地免費供應它們,現在皆屬違法。 The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taxing sugary drinks, linking them to obesity and diabetes. The new law in France targets soft drinks, including sports drinks containing added sugar or sweeteners. All public eateries, from fast-food joints to school canteens, are affected. The aim of the law is to "limit, especially among the young, the risks of obesity, overweight and diabetes" in line with WHO recommendations. 世界衛生組織(WHO)建議對含糖飲料課稅,並將它們與肥胖及糖尿病建立關連。法國這項新法鎖定的非酒精飲料,包括添加糖或甜味劑的運動飲料。所有公眾餐飲店,從速食店到學校餐廳都受到影響。該法的目的是「限制,特別是年輕族群,肥胖、過重與糖尿病風險」,以符合WHO的建議。 A recent Eurostat survey of adult obesity put the French at 15.3%, which is just below the EU average of 15.9%. France was slimmer than the UK (20.1%) but fatter than Italy (10.7%). Past the age of 30, nearly 57% of French men are overweight or obese, according to a report published in October by the French medical journal Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire. Some 41% of women in the same age category are also overweight or obese, the study found. 歐盟統計局近期針對成人肥胖的調查顯示,法國為15.3%,略低於歐盟平均值15.9%。法國比英國(20.1%)苗條,但比義大利肥胖(10.7%)。而根據法國醫學期刊「流行病學週報」去年10月刊登的一份報告,年過30歲後,近57%的法國男人過重或肥胖。同一年齡組有約41%女性也是過重或肥胖,該研究發現。 Next Article ’You’ve won your weight in oysters!’ - note in shells stops thieves(「你已贏得和你體重相當的生蠔!」 殼內放紙條阻偷竊) When thieves stole three tonnes of oysters from French 60-year-old shellfish farmer Christophe Guinot, he came up with a solution: planting secret notes inside oyster shells to help police track down the thieves. 在被小偷竊取3噸生蠔後,60歲的法國貝類養殖業者克里斯多福.朱諾特想出一個解決方案:在生蠔殼內放入秘密紙條,幫助警察追蹤竊賊。 The oysters are reared in cages, attached by wires to a metal frame that stops them drifting away. Thieves take a boat out to the cages and pluck them from the water. 生蠔被養在籠具內,籠具以線綁在金屬框架上,避免漂走。小偷會乘船到籠具,把籠具從水中拔走。 Guinot takes an empty oyster shell, insert a tiny rolled-up note, glue the shell back together and drop it into the cage. The note tells whoever opens the shell that they have won their own weight in oysters, and invites them to call to claim their prize. 於是朱諾特取來空的生蠔殼,放入一小張捲起來的紙條,再用膠水黏合放回籠內。紙條告訴打開的人,他們贏得和自己體重相當的生蠔,邀請他們致電領獎。 Anyone claiming their prize could be asked where they bought the oysters, and if it was not from somewhere that Guinot supplies, he could set the police on the trail of the thieves. 領獎的人會被詢問是在哪裡買生蠔,一旦不是從朱諾特供應的廠商購入,他就會報警提供竊賊線索。Source article: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1091689 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1511511