每日英語跟讀 Ep.K341: 基隆越下雨優惠越多

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K341: Keelung lures visitors with rainy-day discounts   Keelung is a rainy city, especially this year, but rain is also a selling point for Keelung. The city government has launched a creative marketing campaign called “a date in the rain,” whereby people can enjoy special rainy-day discounts by simply subscribing to the “ting-a-kha” Line instant messenger account. Keelung Mayor Lin Yu-chang invites everyone to savor a special kind of pleasure by sipping coffee on a rainy day. 基隆是一個多雨的城市,尤其是今年,但雨水也是基隆的賣點。市政府發起了一項名為「雨中約會」的創意行銷活動,人們只需訂閱「ting-a-kha」Line即時通訊帳戶即可享受特殊的雨天折扣。基隆市市長林玉昌邀請大家在雨天喝咖啡,享受一種特別的樂趣。 Lin says the “ting-a-kha” Line account is Taiwan’s first creative marketing campaign that takes rainfall as the benchmark for offering discounts, and the more it rains, the bigger the discount. He says the plan has received a good response from a large number of local businesses, including cafes, specialty restaurants and souvenir shops. 林說,「ting-a-kha」Line帳戶是臺灣第一個以降雨為基準提供折扣的創意行銷活動,雨越大,折扣就越大。他說,該計劃得到了大量當地企業的良好回應,包括咖啡館,特色餐廳和紀念品商店。 Lin says the Line account’s name “ting-a-kha” alludes to Keelungers’ habit of drinking coffee in covered walkways, where the romantic view of a rainy street forms a different kind of ambience. By touring Keelung on a rainy day, visitors can soak up this unusual atmosphere and get a discount at the same time. 林說,Line帳戶的名字"ting-a-kha"暗指基隆格人在有蓋人行道上喝咖啡的習慣,在那裡,下雨街道的浪漫景色形成了一種不同的氛圍。在雨天遊覽基隆,遊客可以沉浸在這種不尋常的氛圍中,同時享受折扣。 Director Tanya Tseng of Keelung City Government’s Department of Tourism and City Marketing says that the “ting-a-kha” Line account launched by the city government in cooperation with a local company combines communication software with rainfall data and uses a back-end database and system computing to transmit retailers’ discounts according to the current day’s rainfall, with discounts of up to 15 percent or special offers of free food items, but this kind of discount is not available if you visit on a sunny day. Consumers can simply scan a QR code to keep track of Keelung’s weather and use the “ting-a-kha” functions, she said. 基隆市政府旅遊和城市行銷部主任Tanya Tseng表示,市政府與當地公司合作推出的「ting-a-kha」Line帳戶將通信軟體與降雨量數據相結合,並使用後端資料庫和系統計算根據當天的降雨量傳輸零售商的折扣,折扣高達15%或免費食品的特別優惠, 但是,如果您在陽光明媚的日子里訪問,則無法獲得這種折扣。她說,消費者可以簡單地掃描二維碼來跟蹤基隆的天氣,並使用"ting-a-kha"功能。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/03/19/2003775029

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